This article will teach you about a simple question framework that will get your prospects to buy now. The sales call consists of six primary phases:
- Introduction
- Information gathering
- Transition
- Pitch
- Committing
- Objection handling
We will learn about that inside the information-gathering phase, a questioning framework that helps you achieve the goal. As an experienced salesman, you need to know the emotional and personal reasons why this is important to them and do they have to do this now.
Many people will answer this question quickly, but the more sophisticated and demanding clients might get turned off due to this. Hence, it would help if you adopted a socially aware way.
Permission Reason Why Question
It is an advanced framework in which you will ask permission and tell them why you are asking the question framed in their best interest. An example can be, “John, can I ask you a personal question? I am asking because what’s important to me is not just helping you build a real estate business that is building your wealth and income.
Still, also one that empowers you to live your preferred lifestyle, so when you think about that, what comes up for you, like what are the non-monetary and personal goals you want your business to allow you to achieve.”
Thus, there are four persuasion triggers: presupposition, permission, and the reason why they are framed in their best interest. If you get any surface-level answer, you can ask, “Any other reasons?”
Essentially there are only two main reasons that everyone has, they have the reason that sounds good and then the real reason. To become socially aware, use the permission context question framework. Asking questions in a way that draws attention to the other person’s self-interest is also crucial.
Their obedience and generosity will rise as a result. Allow me to illustrate. Imagine you’re discussing career aspirations with someone who has been working in the same job for a long time. You could start by acknowledging their experience, asking about their current role, and showing genuine interest. Your tonality should be soft and engaging.
Then, you can gently explore what may have sparked their desire for change, allowing them to justify the shift in their behavior. Using these persuasion triggers creates an informal atmosphere that encourages openness and engagement.
Moment of Decision
The importance of having a “moment of decision” while trying to change your life is significant. Hence, this is a watershed moment when people finally say, “Enough is enough.”
This idea is relevant not just to inner changes but also to sales conversations. Finding the customer’s “moment of decision” during sales calls increases the chances of making a transaction.
Examples include when a person chooses to retire their spouse after hearing about a terrifying occurrence at their partner’s place of employment. It may rekindle people’s desire to make a positive alteration if they can recount their feelings at the time of their decision.
Hence, this method of obtaining reasons and utilizing the consistency bias is applicable in many settings, including business and private goal-setting.