The Dossier

A Complete Guide For Deciding If Is The Right Investment For Your Business

You’re probably reading this because:

  1. Someone from our team thinks you’d be a phenomenal fit to work with us here at

  2. You’re in the process of considering if this is the right decision for you, before you move forward. In other words, you’re in the process of due diligence

Over the past decade, I (Cole Gordon) have spent several million dollars on DFY service providers, consultants, contractors, coaches, agencies, masterminds, courses and the like. So needless to say - I’ve been in your shoes. And guess what? Doing proper due diligence is not always easy. It can be difficult to separate smoke & mirrors from what’s true. Especially when dealing with professional marketers.

Throughout the last 10 years of making some phenomenal investments into my business (as well as some terrible ones) I’ve come up with three simple criteria I use during the due diligence process to vet if what I’m considering is a legitimate opportunity:

  1. Has this person created the results I want, for themselves?

  2. Has this person been able to replicate these results to others in a repeatable, predictable fashion?

  3. Has this person been able to replicate these results across several different industries?
    In other words, is their process grounded in first principle-based thinking?</p<

My goal for the rest of this document is to answer those three questions for you as you consider working with us at

Has Actually Walked The Walk?

If I’m doing due diligence into working with a company… the first… and most important question I ask is:

“Does this person actually have the results I want, for themselves?”

If I’m looking to get in chiseled shape, would it make sense for me to hire someone with a big fat belly?

If I’m looking to get in a fulfilling relationship, would it make sense for me to hire someone who’s single with three divorces under their belt?

Obvious, right? But in the online marketing & sales space this practice is unfortunately ignored.

Tons of people hire marketing professionals who can’t even market to get clients themselves.

Tons of people hire sales recruiters or sales team consultants who don’t even have a sales team for the current business.

Again… if this person doesn’t actively HAVE the result you’re looking for right now… then that red flag alone should stop you dead in your tracks.

So knowing this, the question becomes…

Has actually produced the marketing and sales results they promise to others, for themselves?

The short answer is, unequivocally.

A few things to note about our track record:

  • We grew from zero to 30 million in revenue in only 18 months

  • We’ve spent $6,506,434.96 in advertising for Sales Team Accelerator (our sales recruiting and sales training business) that’s directly returned us over 70 million in cash since inception.

  • I’ve also founded / co-founded several other companies:

    • Remote Closing Academy - We founded this in early 2020. And grew it to over 1 million per month in cash collected in only 8 months.

    • Springs Rejuvenation - I acquired 50% of this medical spa/longevity chain at 50k/mo in Feb 2023. By Feb 2024, it was doing over 3M/mo.

    • Saleskick - This is a recent software company founded 6 months ago that has already achieved a 7-figure run rate, profitability, all boot-strapped without funding.

Now, here’s what significant about every single one of these business successes:

Every single venture was built off:

  1. Strong lead generation efforts via paid advertising or outbound lead generation.

  2. Consultative Based High-Ticket Sales Team

In fact, if you total it up… we’ve created 6 different multi-8 figure sales teams across all of these ventures. (Some companies have more than one sales division inside of them).

The point is…

If you’re looking for someone to help you implement state of the art paid lead generation for your business, we’ve done it.

If you’re looking for someone to help you implement cold outbound lead generation methods, we’ve done it.

If you’re looking to recruit, hire, and scale a sales team… rather remote or in-person… we’ve done it.

And we haven’t just dabbled with this stuff…

We’ve executed it at the highest level

Now, you might be thinking…

“That’s great for you and your companies, Cole. But can you replicate what worked for you for other businesses like mine?”

That brings us to the next question…

Can Replicate These Results For Others?

You may have heard the saying: “The best player isn’t always the best coach”.

It’s true. Just because you’re good (potentially even the best in the world) at something doesn’t mean you can replicate those results for others.

So, how does measure up when it comes to getting results for clients?

To answer this question, I’m going to point you to a few resources of undeniable proof.

First, is the case studies page on our website.

On this page is 134 different video testimonials from a wide range of clients.

We stopped uploading to this page for a few reasons:

  1. The page load times crashed once we got to 200+ testimonials. So we removed some so the page would function properly

  2. We strive to stay compliant with FTC sales & marketing regulations. One of their strictest regulations is in regards to the testimonials you host on your website. We found oftentimes we couldn’t even host the testimonials we were getting on our website, because the client wouldn’t follow compliance guidelines while talking about their experience.

These two reasons made us decide to move our testimonials over to a third party, trustpilot. In other words, we can’t edit or control any of the testimonials (positive or negative) that go onto that page.

As I’m writing this, we’ve received 957 reviews with 89% of them being 5 star and 92% being 4 star or above.

The last bit of proof I’ll give you is specific case study breakdowns by industry… but I’ll leave that for the next section:

Has Been Able To Replicate These Results Across Various

For context, we cut our teeth in the online coaching, consulting, agency, and information-product world. We quickly became the “category king” in this space, working with brands like Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Dean Grasciosi, Frank Kern, Ryan Serhant, among many others.

But in 2022 we discovered something interesting…

Applying our marketing & sales methodologies to companies outside of this space was even more effective…

So we expanded to working with several different industries. Everything from SaaS, medical device, solar, telemedicine, medical spas, photography chains, influencer brands, e-commerce, accounting, PR, digital agencies, automotive companies, financial services - just to name a few.

If you’d like to look at even more in-depth case studies of various different industries… you can check them out here.

But here’s why this is important.

There’s several practitioners who may be good in a specific niche. They are specialists. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I was once a specialist, too…

But true mastery comes when you can broaden out and apply methodologies to almost any industry because those methodologies are grounded in first principle-based thinking.

Believe me, this is much more difficult than being a specialist. It takes true mastery and tens of thousands of hours of experience.

It requires you to:

  1. Reduce concepts and methodologies down to their simplest, truest form.

  2. Re-arrange these same concepts so they hold true in any context. In other words, there’s not a single context where the methodology become “untrue”.

If you know who Alex Hormozi is, he’s a great example of this.

Part of the reason he’s been able to build such a massive brand (along with a portfolio doing over 500M+ in revenue off the back of that) is because everything he teaches online is grounded in first principles based thinking. It transcends industry.

At, we pride ourselves on implementing the best practices in terms of revenue generation for not just one industry - but hundreds of them.

For more in-depth look at some of our work across several different industries, check out this deck.

In Conclusion

We are 100% committed and SOLD OUT to client results here at If you decide to commit (and take advantage of the resources available we have to offer) you’ll look back and be astounded at the progress you’ve made inside of our services.

I’ve scaled several 8-figure companies, but remains to be my personal favorite and “crowned jewel” of my portfolio. The reason is simple - I’ve NEVER been a part of something that produces explosive client results quite like this. If you’d let us, we’d be honored to come into your business and create those same results for you.

At your service,

Cole Gordon

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