Running good sales meetings is CRITICAL to your team’s success.
But 99% of companies do them completely wrong…
They waste tons of time with unnecessary details and ultimately miss the one thing that actually matters in sales team meetings.
And if you want to be part of the 1% of sales teams who have meetings that actually make a HUGE difference in results, then you need to do things differently.
That’s what I’ll show you how to do in this article.
Through, I’ve worked with hundreds of sales teams over the past few years.
And in almost every case, their sales meetings were absolutely horrible.
But when we helped them rethink their meetings, they began seeing incredible growth. Many of them started hitting 7, 8, and even 9 figures for the first time.
And they haven’t looked back since.
The 1 Thing Every Sales Meeting MUST Do
As I’ve already alluded to, there is ultimately a single purpose for every sales meeting. And most companies completely miss it.
Top 1% sales teams use their meetings to coach their reps.
At, we do this with our internal sales team by literally running through recordings of sales calls.
The entire team watches a recent sales call one of the reps had and I give direct feedback and invite the rest of the team to do the same.
You don’t necessarily have to do this exact thing, but you do need to use your sales meetings to coach your reps.
When you don’t, you’ll fill that time with something else.
And most of the time that means:
- Excessive banter and team building (there’s a place for some of this, obviously)
- Administrative details that can be handled in an email
- Random lectures that don’t help your reps improve
This puts a cap on your team’s potential. You can’t expect them to grow, stay engaged, and stay motivated without good coaching.
And that means you need to center your sales meeting agenda around coaching.
The 4-Part Sales Meeting Agenda That Can Take Your Team to the Top 1% of Performers
Come to each sales meeting with:
- An end goal in mind
- All the resources you need to accomplish that goal
Since the best sales meetings are essentially coaching sessions, that means your “goal” is a specific area you want to coach your reps on.
And to identify that, you need to gather relevant sales call recordings, trainings, and other material before the meeting.
Create a game plan for each sales team meeting as if you were Nick Saban preparing for a game.
Think this is overkill?
It’s not.
Because the quality of your meetings directly impacts the quality of your team’s results.
Your reps are only going to achieve up to the bar you set for them.
1. Quick overview of your key metrics
One of the best ways to start a sales meeting is by getting everyone on the same page regarding your numbers.
But I recommend doing this differently than most sales teams (where the leader reads off a spreadsheet everyone already has access to).
Set the expectation with your reps that they must review your key metrics before every meeting.
Because this part of the sales meeting agenda has nothing to do with everyone reading the metrics together as if you were giving a PowerPoint presentation.
This first portion of the agenda is specifically for quickly gathering qualitative feedback from your team.
If someone is off track with their numbers, you want them to tell you why and how they plan on fixing it.
Give everyone a few minutes to give their assessment.
This is where you’ll get incredible insights and opportunities for direct coaching.
If you opt for simply reading off metrics as most sales team leaders do, you’ll waste tons of time going over things everyone should already know.
2. Trends since the last meeting
As you hear what your team is seeing from the front lines, this gives you a natural transition into discussing big-picture trends.
Pick a handful of the most critical trends that apply to everyone on the sales team call and discuss them.
Again, this gives you an opportunity to coach your reps.
Walk them through how they should think and approach these trends so they can begin to address them in their context.
On one of our recent sales team meetings, this agenda item uncovered a HUGE and easily fixable trend that was killing our conversion rates…
Prospects’ phones were constantly dying because they were using them to do Zoom calls and didn’t have a charger nearby.
And we never heard back from 99% of them after their phone died.
This part of the sales meeting agenda allowed us to build a simple note into our scripts that reminded our reps to get prospects to plug in their phones.
There’s not necessarily a time limit with this agenda item. Use your best judgment to determine if the trends you uncover are worth spending the entire sales meeting on from this point forward.
Sometimes these trends will allow you to knock out the next 2 agenda items naturally. Other times, you’ll need to move on to bigger fish.
3. Direct coaching to specific reps
This is where I like to walk through a sales call recording.
Many companies are scared to do this because they think it’ll make reps who get singled out uncomfortable.
And that’s a fair concern…
But if you have a great culture it won’t be an issue.
With my team, my reps know I have really high standards. Each member of the sales team also has high standards for themselves.
We’re all striving to be top 1% sales reps.
So even if it makes someone slightly uncomfortable to be singled out, they’re okay with it because they know it’s not to “come down on them” but to provide coaching opportunities for the entire team.
That’s why we pick particular calls to critique on our sales meeting.
You don’t necessarily have to do the same, but don’t run away from coaching an individual rep in front of their peers.
If they trust and respect you as a leader, they’ll know you aren’t trying to embarrass them–you’re providing a great growth opportunity for everyone.
4. Training for all reps
Helping everyone solve problems and giving feedback to a specific sales rep can easily be a “training for all reps” depending on what the subject is.
This is where you need to use your judgment as a sales leader.
Come prepared with a quick training that would help everyone on your team if you end up having time for this last agenda item.
This doesn’t need to be elaborate. It can be some dialogue, some quick slides, a video, or whatever else.
The main consideration here is tailoring it directly to your team’s needs.
No one wants to watch videos or listen to a lecture on random, high-level sales advice.
Make it specific, direct, and to the point.
– if you determine while you’re in the meeting that you already did some great training during Parts 2 and 3 of the agenda, skip it.
How to Successfully Run a Sales Meeting with This Agenda
1. Find your cadence
I always recommend a daily sales meeting in the morning. This helps your reps start their day off right and have clear directives.
And we follow this up with a quick written report at the end of the day. This gathers some of the qualitative information you’ll need for Part 2 of the sales meeting agenda.
But this might not work for you and your team. That’s fine.
Just be sure to determine a cadence that works for your situation and stick with it.
Your team needs this structure.
2. Dialogue > Presentation
When you’re training your team, don’t make a long PowerPoint and read off the slides.
Lectures don’t work.
You need a dialogue-driven approach that engages your reps.
So, avoid any long videos, presentations, or lectures from anyone. Sometimes bringing in an outside expert to talk for 30 minutes is fine, but that should be the exception, not the rule.
3. Avoid the “info dump”
Your reps won’t remember everything you say. If you unload tons of information on them, they’re even less likely to remember what you tell them.
So, try to stick to one topic for your training/coaching and have your reps take notes of small things (like making sure prospects plug their phone in before running a Zoom call).
You want your reps to walk away from sales meetings with direct and actionable information they can apply immediately.
Protect them from the info dump.
4. Be kind and direct
When you’re giving feedback–whether to specific reps or the entire team–don’t hold back.
Tell them what they need to hear and pinpoint exactly what’s holding them back.
But do so from a posture of kindness.
This posture comes from your tone and the words you say during the moment, and is also developed based on your ongoing relationship with each rep.
If they trust and respect you, they’re not going to take your feedback the wrong way.
Avoid shying away from saying what needs to be said.
It’s better to say something that’s hard to hear (in a kind way) than to avoid it completely.
Avoidance makes the problem worse and eventually makes your team lose respect for you.
Change the Way You Run Sales Meetings
This is radically different than how most sales teams run their meetings.
But most sales teams aren’t in the top 1%.
This sales meeting agenda gives you a blueprint for a coaching-centered model that helps your reps grow.
And while it will likely be an adjustment to move to this type of sales meeting, you’ll soon begin reaping the rewards.
Your sales team will only rise to the standard you set for them as a leader.
And your sales meetings are your best chance to set a high bar and hold your team to it.
Interested in having me help you with your sales meetings?
At, we build, train, and manage high-performance sales teams. And we can help you transform yours.
Simply click here to learn more.